Healthy Diet Ideas According To The Dietitian

Here we have collected some common questions and answers about the healthy diet from the expert!

1. “Is It Dangerous To Eat Too Much Fat?”

Many people are afraid of fat, but is it really that dangerous?

It depends a bit on, says dietician Sofia Antonsson. In terms of health, unsaturated fats, which are found in fatty fish, avocados, nuts and seeds, are preferred. Saturated fats, which are found in butter, cheese and cream, you should be more vigilant about – even if you do not have to exclude it.

  • It is also about who you are and how you live. For a healthy diet, a normal weight person who exercises regularly does not have to think as much about fat quality as an inactive person who may be overweight, have diabetes or abdominal obesity.
healthy diet ideas
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

2. “Is It Helpful To Avoid Gluten In a Healthy Diet?”

Gluten gets a lot of profanity in recent years, even people who are not intolerant have started to choose gluten-free products. The only question is whether it is healthier?

Well, says Sofia Antonsson. Both gluten-containing products and those that are gluten-free can vary in quality.

If you do not suffer from intolerance, her advice for the healthy diet is to chose whole grains and as much nutrition as possible in the form of vegetables.

  • A good source of whole grains are, for example, crispbread and oatmeal. A common misconception is also that gluten causes stomach problems such as IBS, but then it is not gluten but the fibers in the cereals that cause it.

3. “How Should I Still My Craving For Sweets?”

Quitting sugar is easier said than done, especially when that infamous craving for sweets strikes with full force.

According to Sofia Antonsson, it is often the most difficult in the first weeks. The body will scream for something sweet. Her recommendation is to try to distract yourself as much as possible.

  • Maybe you can read a newspaper, go for a walk or drink a glass of water? Sometimes the body interprets the thirst signals as a craving for sweets, and then it may be enough to drink. Otherwise, it is good with crunchy vegetables that saturate, such as broccoli and carrots. Nuts are also an option, but remember not to eat too many if you want to lose weight, then about ten pieces is enough.

4. “What Does An Anti-inflammatory Diet Really Mean?”

Can vegetables relieve inflammation in the body? At least that is what the advocates of an anti-inflammatory diet are thinking.

The theory is that foods such as milk, refined grains, sugar and red meat act as catalysts for various inflammatory processes in the body.

Sofia Antonsson believes, however, that the scientific support so far is not enough.

  • But we know that it is good to cut down on sugar and red meat and to increase the intake of fruit and vegetables. Try changing your diet and see if you can feel the difference. Sometimes it does not have to be black or white.

5. “How Do I Stop Eating At Night?”

Night eating is a scourge for many and can mean weight gain in the long run. However, the pattern can be difficult to break.

One explanation may be that you eat too little during the day.

  • Then it is best to attack the problem from two directions. Start by eating a little more during the day, or just before going to bed. Then it is important to take out the mental stop sign at the same time and not get up and eat at night. Give it a couple of weeks to resist, then I think your body will learn.

6. “Do I Need To Eat More When I Start Exercising?”

How should you really think to get the most out of your training?

It depends on what the goal is with your training. If you want to lose weight, you must be on a calorie deficit and should therefore not eat more. If you want to build muscle, however, it may be worth reviewing the diet.

  • There is a widespread misconception that you have to start eating extra protein and take supplements. It is often not necessary. Exercise level exercise does not require extra protein. However, it is important to look at what you eat in terms of nutrition.

Sofia’s tip is to invest in a colorful plate full of vegetables, berries, nuts, seeds and whole grains together with lean protein. Contact a PT if you want a more detailed diet plan!

7. “What Should My Children Eat For Breakfast?”

Most people want their children well and that they should have a healthy diet. But sometimes you have to lower your expectations.

  • Children do not always like the coarsest breads, and that’s okay. Try to find something in between. Maybe you can instead find light bread without added sugar? If they like yogurt, you can mix the sweet fruit yogurt with a natural one. By doing this, you reduce the sugar consumption dramatically.

Try making your own smoothie. You can also try a boiled egg.

Every week, dietitian Sofia Antonsson receives diet questions in Expressen’s Sunday magazine.